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Friday, April 8, 2016

Meyer's Washing Lemon Verbena Detergent and Softener

 So I've recently become aware and fascinated by the number of house hold, beauty, and other miscellaneous products are still tested on animals. I'm already setting a theme here for my blog as I'm not really okay with testing products on animals. We have enough knowledge of chemicals, soaps, makeup, toothpastes, and detergents now that we don't need to test on animals. Europe is already ahead of the U.S. with an international ban on cosmetic testing. That's definitely a  step in the right direction. Moving on however to this lovely, environmentally friendly, and cruelty free laundry detergent.

First off on price. I got my bottle of Lemon Verbena Detergent Target on clearance for $11.18 for 44oz and 64 loads. You can most definitely stretch the number of loads. Most detergent brands suggest half a cap but if you are on your own and doing small loads you can use a quarter of a cap and your clothes will be just fine. If you're doing a medium to large load, go ahead and use the recommended amount.
The bottle of Lemon Verbena Detergent I got from my local grocery store for around the same price, $11.35(ish). That bottle is 32oz and is good for 32 loads, but once again can be stretched depending on how scented you want your clothes to be and how big your load of laundry is.

There's also a set of three items for laundry on the Meyer's website which include detergent, softener, and dryer sheets for $29.99. This is a pretty swaggy deal considering you get free shipping over $30 purchases and there are also different scented scents to try out if you love the product. There's also a ton of other household cleaning products that are made from sustainable products and that are not tested on animals to check out as well if you love the brand!

My Review:

I've been using the detergent and softener for about 3 weeks now and have done about 20-25 loads and I must say I love it. My stepdad has sensitive skin so highly scented things tend to make him itchy, but this detergent doesn't bother him, plus it smells awesome! The scent is mild so don't expect everyone around you to be like "Woah, Lemon Verbena", but you will definitely smell pleasant if you're hugged.
The bottle of detergent is only about 1/8th of the way gone, and the same can be said for the softener. If you like soft clothes and to be able to really smell the Lemon Verbena, make sure to get the softener detergent duo.
My clothes don't feel gross and heavy after washing, the detergent goes a long way, it's not tested on animals, and  it's made from sustainable material while smelling great.
My Verdict is that this product is a must have (or at least a must try).

What are your thoughts on this detergent? Love it? Hate it? Comment below! Feel free to leave a recommendation for me to try out and review later on! Thanks for reading!
Meyer's Clean Day Lemon Verbena Fabric Softener. Image Source:  link.
Meyer's Clean Day  Lemon Verbena Laundry Detergent. Image Source: link.

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